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Compile With ARM

This topic is about how to compile Doris on the ARM64 platform.

Note that this is for reference only. Other errors may occur when compiling in different environments.


Software and Hardware Environment​

  1. KylinOS Version:

    $> cat /etc/.kyinfo
    time=2020-07-11 17:16:54
    dist_id=Kylin-Server-10-SP1-Release-Build04-20200711-arm64-2020-07-11 17:16:54
  2. CPU Model:

    $> cat /proc/cpuinfo
    model name : Phytium,FT-2000+/64

Compile With ldb-toolchain​

This method works for Doris versions after commit 7f3564.


For detailed instructions, please refer to Compile with ldb-toolchain

Note that you need to download the corresponding aarch64 versions of jdk and nodejs:

  1. Java8-aarch64
  2. Node v12.13.0-aarch64

CentOS & Ubuntu​

Hardware Environment​

  1. System Version: CentOS 8.4, Ubuntu 20.04
  2. System Architecture: ARM X64
  3. CPU: 4C
  4. Memory: 16 GB
  5. Hard Disk: 40GB (SSD), 100GB (SSD)

Software Environment​

Software Environment List​

Component NameComponent Version
Commonly Used Components
yum install or apt-get install

Software Environment Installation Command​

CentOS 8.4​
  • Create root directories

    # Create root directory for software download and installation packages
    mkdir /opt/tools
    # Create root directory for software installation
    mkdir /opt/software
  • Git

    # yum install (save the trouble of compilation)
    yum install -y git
  • JDK8 (2 methods)

    # 1. yum install, which can avoid additional download and configuration. Installing the devel package is to get tools such as the jps command.
    yum install -y java-1.8.0-openjdk java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel

    # 2. Download the installation package of the arm64 architecture, decompress it, and configure the environment variables.
    cd /opt/tools
    wget && \
    tar -zxvf jdk-8u291-linux-aarch64.tar.gz && \
    mv jdk1.8.0_291 /opt/software/jdk8
  • Maven

    cd /opt/tools
    # Download the wget tool, decompress it, and configure the environment variables.
    wget && \
    tar -zxvf apache-maven-3.6.3-bin.tar.gz && \
    mv apache-maven-3.6.3 /opt/software/maven
  • NodeJS

    cd /opt/tools
    # Download the installation package of the arm64 architecture
    wget && \
    tar -xvf node-v16.3.0-linux-arm64.tar.xz && \
    mv node-v16.3.0-linux-arm64 /opt/software/nodejs
  • ldb-toolchain

    cd /opt/tools
    # Download ldb-toolchain ARM version
    wget && \
    sh /opt/software/ldb_toolchain/
  • Configure environment variables

    # Configure environment variables
    vim /etc/profile.d/
    export JAVA_HOME=/opt/software/jdk8
    export MAVEN_HOME=/opt/software/maven
    export NODE_JS_HOME=/opt/software/nodejs
    export LDB_HOME=/opt/software/ldb_toolchain
    export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$MAVEN_HOME/bin:$NODE_JS_HOME/bin:$LDB_HOME/bin:$PATH

    # Save, exit, and refresh environment variables
    source /etc/profile.d/

    # Test
    java -version
    > java version "1.8.0_291"
    mvn -version
    > Apache Maven 3.6.3
    node --version
    > v16.3.0
    gcc --version
    > gcc-11
  • Install other environments and components

    # Install required system packages
    sudo yum install -y byacc patch automake libtool make which file ncurses-devel gettext-devel unzip bzip2 bison zip util-linux wget git python2

    # Install autoconf-2.69
    cd /opt/tools
    wget && \
    tar zxf autoconf-2.69.tar.gz && \
    mv autoconf-2.69 /opt/software/autoconf && \
    cd /opt/software/autoconf && \
    ./configure && \
    make && \
    make install
Ubuntu 20.04​
  • Update apt-get repository

    apt-get update
  • Check the shell command set

    The Ubuntu shell installs dash instead of bash by default. It needs to be switched to bash for proper execution. Run the following command to view the details of sh and confirm which program corresponds to the shell:

    ls -al /bin/sh

    The shell can be switched back to bash by:

    sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash

    Then select no to confirm.

    After these steps, dash will no longer be the default shell tool.

  • Create root directories

    # Create root directory for software download and installation packages
    mkdir /opt/tools
    # Create root directory for software installation
    mkdir /opt/software
  • Git

    # apt-get install, which can save the trouble of compilation
    apt-get -y install git
  • JDK8

    # Download the installation package of the ARM64 architecture, decompress it, and configure environment variables.
    cd /opt/tools
    wget && \
    tar -zxvf jdk-8u291-linux-aarch64.tar.gz && \
    mv jdk1.8.0_291 /opt/software/jdk8
  • Maven

    cd /opt/tools
    # Download the wget tool, decompress it, and configure the environment variables.
    wget && \
    tar -zxvf apache-maven-3.6.3-bin.tar.gz && \
    mv apache-maven-3.6.3 /opt/software/maven
  • NodeJS

    cd /opt/tools
    # Download the installation package of ARM64 architecture.
    wget && \
    tar -xvf node-v16.3.0-linux-arm64.tar.xz && \
    mv node-v16.3.0-linux-arm64 /opt/software/nodejs
  • ldb-toolchain

    cd /opt/tools
    # Download ldb-toolchain ARM version
    wget && \
    sh /opt/software/ldb_toolchain/
  • Configure environment variables

    # Configure environment variables
    vim /etc/profile.d/
    export JAVA_HOME=/opt/software/jdk8
    export MAVEN_HOME=/opt/software/maven
    export NODE_JS_HOME=/opt/software/nodejs
    export LDB_HOME=/opt/software/ldb_toolchain
    export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$MAVEN_HOME/bin:$NODE_JS_HOME/bin:$LDB_HOME/bin:$PATH

    # Save, exit, and refresh environment variables
    source /etc/profile.d/

    # Test
    java -version
    > java version "1.8.0_291"
    mvn -version
    > Apache Maven 3.6.3
    node --version
    > v16.3.0
    gcc --version
    > gcc-11
  • Install other environments and components

    # Install required system packages
    sudo apt install -y build-essential cmake flex automake bison binutils-dev libiberty-dev zip libncurses5-dev curl ninja-build
    sudo apt-get install -y make
    sudo apt-get install -y unzip
    sudo apt-get install -y python2
    sudo apt-get install -y byacc
    sudo apt-get install -y automake
    sudo apt-get install -y libtool
    sudo apt-get install -y bzip2
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/ppa
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install gcc-11 g++-11
    sudo apt-get -y install autoconf autopoint

    # Install autoconf-2.69
    cd /opt/tools
    wget && \
    tar zxf autoconf-2.69.tar.gz && \
    mv autoconf-2.69 /opt/software/autoconf && \
    cd /opt/software/autoconf && \
    ./configure && \
    make && \
    make install

Download Source Code​

cd /opt
git clone

Install and Deploy​

Check if the AVX2 instruction set is supported​

If there is data returned, that means AVX2 is supported; otherwise, AVX2 is not supported.

cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep avx2
Execute compilation​
# For machines that support the AVX2 instruction set, compile directly
# For machines that do not support the AVX2 instruction set, use the following command to compile


  1. File not found when compiling the third-party library libhdfs3.a.

    • Problem Description

      During the compilation and installation process, the following error occurrs:

      not found lib/libhdfs3.a file or directory

    • Cause

      The third-party library dependency is improperly downloaded.

    • Solution

      • Use a third-party download repository

        export REPOSITORY_URL=
        sh /opt/doris/thirdparty/

        REPOSITORY_URL contains all third-party library source packages and their historical versions.

  2. python command not found

    • Problem Description

      • An exception is thrown when executing

        /opt/doris/ line 46: python: command not found

        Python 2.7.18

    • Cause

      The system uses python2.7, python3.6, python2, python3 by default to execute python commands. Doris only requires python 2.7+ to install dependencies, so you just need to add a command python to connect.

    • Solution

      Establish a soft link to the python command in \usr\bin

      # View python installation directory
      whereis python
      # Establish soft connection
      sudo ln -s /usr/bin/python2.7 /usr/bin/python
  3. There is no output directory after compilation

    • Problem Description

      • Cannot find the output folder in the directory after the execution of
    • Cause

      Compilation fails. Try again.

    • Solution

      sh --clean
  4. spark-dpp compilation fails

    • Problem Description

      • After compiling, compiling to Spark-DPP fails with an error

        Failed to execute goal on project spark-dpp

    • Cause

      This error message is caused by download failure (connection to the central repository fails).

      Could not transfer artifact org.apache.spark:spark-sql_2.12:jar:2.4.6 from/to central ( Transfer failed for https://repo Unknown host

    • Solution

      • Rebuild
  5. No space left, compilation fails

    • Problem Description

      • Failed to build CXX object during compilation, error message showing no space left

        fatal error: error writing to /tmp/ccKn4nPK.s: No space left on device 1112 | } // namespace doris::vectorized compilation terminated.

    • Cause

      Insufficient free space on the device

    • Solution

      Expand the free space on the device by deleting files you don't need, etc.

  6. Failed to start FE, transaction error -20

    • Problem Description

      When starting FE, a transaction error 20 is reported with UNKNOWN status.

      [BDBEnvironment.setup():198] error to open replicated environment. will exit. (JE 18.3.12) Problem closing transaction 20. The current state is:UNKNOWN. The node transitioned to this state at:Fri Apr 22 12:48:08 CST 2022

    • Cause

      Insufficient hard disk space

    • Solution

      Free up hard disk space or mount a new hard disk

  7. Abnormal BDB environment setting, disk search error

    • Problem Description

      An exception is reported when starting FE after migrating the drive letter where FE is located

      2022-04-22 16:21:44,092 ERROR (MASTER|1) [] catch an exception when setup bdb environment. will exit. (JE 18.3.12) Disk usage is not within je.maxDisk or je.freeDisk limits and write operations are prohibited: maxDiskLimit=0 freeDiskLimit=5,368,709,120 adjustedMaxDiskLimit=0 maxDiskOverage=0 freeDiskShortage=1,536,552,960 diskFreeSpace =3,832,156,160 availableLogSize=-1,536,552,960 totalLogSize=4,665 activeLogSize=4,665 reservedLogSize=0 protectedLogSize=0 protectedLogSizeMap={}

    • Cause

      FE has been migrated to another location, which doesn't match the hard disk information stored in the metadata; or the hard disk is damaged or not mounted

    • Solution

      • Check if the hard disk is normal, initialized and mounted correctly
      • Fix FE metadata
      • If it is a test machine, you can delete the metadata directory and restart
  8. Could not find pkg.m4 file in pkg.config

    • Problem Description

      • A "file not found" error occurrs during compilation:

        Couldn't find pkg.m4 from pkg-config. Install the appropriate package for your distribution or set ACLOCAL_PATH to the directory containing pkg.m4.

    • Cause

      There is something wrong with the compilation of the third-party library libxml2 .

      Possible Reasons:

      1. An exception occurs when the Ubuntu system loads the environment variables so the index under the ldb directory is not successfully loaded.
      2. The retrieval of environment variables during libxml2 compilation fails, so the ldb/aclocal directory is not retrieved.
    • Solution

      Copy the pkg.m4 file in the ldb/aclocal directory into the libxml2/m4 directory, and recompile the third-party library.

      cp /opt/software/ldb_toolchain/share/aclocal/pkg.m4 /opt/incubator-doris/thirdparty/src/libxml2-v2.9.10/m4
      sh /opt/incubator-doris/thirdparty/
  9. Failed to execute test CURL_HAS_TLS_PROXY

    • Problem Description

      • An error is reported during the compilation process of the third-party package:

        -- Performing Test CURL_HAS_TLS_PROXY - Failed CMake Error at cmake/dependencies.cmake:15 (get_property): INTERFACE_LIBRARY targets may only have whitelisted properties. The property "LINK_LIBRARIES_ALL" is not allowed.

      • The log shows: curl No such file or directory

        fatal error: curl/curl.h: No such file or directory 2 | #include <curl/curl.h> compilation terminated. ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.

    • Cause

      There is an error in the compilation environment. The gcc is of version 9.3.0 that comes with the system, so it is not compiled with ldb, so you need to configure the ldb environment variable.

    • Solution

      Configure ldb environment variables

      # Configure environment variables
      vim /etc/profile.d/
      export LDB_HOME=/opt/software/ldb_toolchain
      export PATH=$LDB_HOME/bin:$PATH
      # Save, exit, and refresh environment variables
      source /etc/profile.d/
      # Test
      gcc --version
      > gcc-11
  10. Other problems

  • Problem Description

    The follow error prompts are all due to one root cause.

    • bison related
      1. fseterr.c error when installing bison-3.0.4
    • flex related
      1. flex command not found
    • cmake related
      1. cmake command not found
      2. cmake cannot find the dependent library
      3. cmake cannot find CMAKE_ROOT
      4. Compiler set not found in cmake environment variable CXX
    • boost related
      1. Boost.Build build engine failed
    • mysql related
      1. Could not find mysql client dependency a file
    • gcc related
      1. GCC version requires 11+
  • Cause

    Not compiled with ldb-toolschain

  • Solution

    • Check if the ldb-toolschain environment variable is configured
    • Check if gcc version is gcc-11
    • Delete the ldb directory after the script is executed, re-execute and configure the environment variables, and verify the gcc version