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JSON json_parse(VARCHAR json_str)
JSON json_parse_error_to_null(VARCHAR json_str)
JSON json_parse_error_to_value(VARCHAR json_str, VARCHAR default_json_str)

json_parse functions parse JSON string to binary format. A series of functions are provided to satisfy different demand for exception handling.

  • all return NULL if json_str is NULL
  • if json_str is not valid
    • json_parse will report error
    • json_parse_error_to_null will return NULL
    • json_parse_error_to_value will return the value specified by default_json_str


  1. parse valid JSON string
mysql> SELECT json_parse('{"k1":"v31","k2":300}');
| json_parse('{"k1":"v31","k2":300}') |
| {"k1":"v31","k2":300} |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)
  1. parse invalid JSON string
mysql> SELECT json_parse('invalid json');
ERROR 1105 (HY000): errCode = 2, detailMessage = json parse error: Invalid document: document must be an object or an array for value: invalid json

mysql> SELECT json_parse_error_to_null('invalid json');
| json_parse_error_to_null('invalid json') |
| NULL |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

mysql> SELECT json_parse_error_to_value('invalid json', '{}');
| json_parse_error_to_value('invalid json', '{}') |
| {} |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

refer to json tutorial for more.


JSONB, JSON, json_parse, json_parse_error_to_null, json_parse_error_to_value