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View the tasks of the currently running Pipeline in the Backend



Table Information

Column NameTypeDescription
BE_IDbigintThe ID of the Backend executing the task
FE_HOSTvarchar(256)The address of the Frontend that issued the task
QUERY_IDvarchar(256)The ID of the query
TASK_TIME_MSbigintThe task execution time
TASK_CPU_TIME_MSbigintThe CPU time used by the task
SCAN_ROWSbigintThe number of rows scanned
SCAN_BYTESbigintThe number of bytes scanned
BE_PEAK_MEMORY_BYTESbigintThe peak memory usage
CURRENT_USED_MEMORY_BYTESbigintThe current memory usage
SHUFFLE_SEND_BYTESbigintThe number of bytes shuffled and sent
SHUFFLE_SEND_ROWSbigintThe number of rows shuffled and sent
QUERY_TYPEvarchar(256)The type of query