Quick Start
Quick Start
This guide is about how to download the latest stable version of Apache Doris, install it on a single node, and get it running, including steps for creating a database, data tables, importing data, and performing queries.
Environment requirements
- A mainstream Linux x86-64 environment. CentOS 7.1 or Ubuntu 16.04 or later versions are recommended. See the "Install and Deploy" section of the doc for guides on more environments.
- Install Java 8 runtime environment. (If you are not an Oracle JDK commercial license user, we suggest using the free Oracle JDK 8u202. Download now.)
- It is recommended to create a new user for Apache Doris on Linux (avoid using the root user to prevent accidental operations on the operating system).
Download binary package
Download the Apache Doris installation package from doris.apache.org and proceed with the following steps.
# Download the binary installation package of Apache Doris
server1:~ doris$ wget https://apache-doris-releases.oss-accelerate.aliyuncs.com/apache-doris-2.0.3-bin-x64.tar.gz
# Extract the installation package
server1:~ doris$ tar zxf apache-doris-2.0.3-bin-x64.tar.gz
# Rename the directory to apache-doris for simplicity
server1:~ doris$ mv apache-doris-2.0.3-bin-x64 apache-doris
Install Apache Doris
Configure FE
Go to the apache-doris/fe/conf/fe.conf
file for FE configuration. Below are some key configurations to pay attention to. Add JAVA_HOME manually and point it to your JDK8 runtime environment. For other configurations, you can go with the default values for a quick single-machine experience.
# Add JAVA_HOME and point it to your JDK8 runtime environment. Suppose your JDK8 is at /home/doris/jdk8, set it as follows:
# The CIDR network segment of FE listening IP is empty by default. When started, Apache Doris will automatically select an available network segment. If you need to specify a segment, you can set priority_networks=, for example.
# priority_networks =
# By default, FE metadata is stored in the doris-meta directory under DORIS_HOME. It is created already. You can change it to your specified path.
# meta_dir = ${DORIS_HOME}/doris-meta
Start FE
Run the following command under apache-doris/fe to start FE.
# Start FE in the background to ensure that the process continues running even after exiting the terminal.
server1:apache-doris/fe doris$ ./bin/start_fe.sh --daemon
Configure BE
Go to the apache-doris/be/conf/be.conf
file for BE configuration. Below are some key configurations to pay attention to. Add JAVA_HOME manually and point it to your JDK8 runtime environment. For other configurations, you can go with the default values for a quick single-machine experience.
# Add JAVA_HOME and point it to your JDK8 runtime environment. Suppose your JDK8 is at /home/doris/jdk8, set it as follows:
# The CIDR network segment of BE listening IP is empty by default. When started, Doris will automatically select an available network segment. If you need to specify a segment, you can set priority_networks=, for example.
# priority_networks =
# By default, BE data is stored in the storage directory under DORIS_HOME. It is created already. You can change it to your specified path.
# storage_root_path = ${DORIS_HOME}/storage
Start BE
Run the following command under apache-doris/be to start BE.
# Start BE in the background to ensure that the process continues running even after exiting the terminal.
server1:apache-doris/be doris$ ./bin/start_be.sh --daemon
Connect to Doris FE
Download the portable MySQL client to connect to Doris FE.
Unpack the client, find the mysql
command-line tool in the bin/
directory. Then execute the following command to connect to Apache Doris.
mysql -uroot -P9030 -h127.0.0.1
- The root user here is the built-in super admin user of Apache Doris. See Authentication and Authorization for more information.
- -P: This specifies the query port that is connected to. The default port is 9030. It corresponds to the
setting in fe.conf. - -h: This specifies the IP address of the FE that is connected to. If your client and FE are installed on the same node, you can use
Add BE nodes to cluster
An example SQL to execute in the MySQL client to add BE nodes to the cluster:
ALTER SYSTEM ADD BACKEND "be_host_ip:heartbeat_service_port";
- be_host_ip: the IP address of the BE node to be added
- heartbeat_service_port: the heartbeat reporting port of the BE node to be added, which can be found in
, set as9050
by default - You can use the "show backends" statement to view the newly added BE nodes.
Modify passwords for root and admin
Example SQLs to execute in the MySQL client to set new passwords for root and admin users:
mysql> SET PASSWORD FOR 'root' = PASSWORD('doris-root-password');
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
mysql> SET PASSWORD FOR 'admin' = PASSWORD('doris-admin-password');
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Difference between root and admin users
The root and admin users are two default accounts that are automatically created after Doris installation. The root user has superuser privileges for the entire cluster and can perform various management operations, such as adding or removing nodes. The admin user does not have administrative privileges but is a superuser within the cluster, possessing all permissions except those related to cluster management. It is recommended to use the root privileges only when necessary for cluster administration and maintenance.
Create database and table
Connect to Apache Doris
Use admin account to connect to Apache Doris FE.
mysql -uadmin -P9030 -h127.0.0.1
If the MySQL client connecting to is on the same machine as FE, no password will be required.
Create database and table
create database demo;
use demo;
create table mytable
k2 DECIMAL(10, 2) DEFAULT "10.05",
k3 CHAR(10) COMMENT "string column",
k4 INT NOT NULL DEFAULT "1" COMMENT "int column"
COMMENT "my first table"
PROPERTIES ('replication_num' = '1');
Ingest data
Save the following example data to the local "data.csv" file:
Load the data from "data.csv" into the newly created table using the Stream Load method.
curl --location-trusted -u admin:admin_password -T data.csv -H "column_separator:,"
- -T data.csv: data file name
- -u admin:admin_password: admin account and password
- IP and http_port of FE
Once it is executed successfully, a message like the following will be returned:
"TxnId": 30,
"Label": "a56d2861-303a-4b50-9907-238fea904363",
"Comment": "",
"TwoPhaseCommit": "false",
"Status": "Success",
"Message": "OK",
"NumberTotalRows": 4,
"NumberLoadedRows": 4,
"NumberFilteredRows": 0,
"NumberUnselectedRows": 0,
"LoadBytes": 52,
"LoadTimeMs": 206,
"BeginTxnTimeMs": 13,
"StreamLoadPutTimeMs": 141,
"ReadDataTimeMs": 0,
"WriteDataTimeMs": 7,
"CommitAndPublishTimeMs": 42
: the number of rows that have been loadedNumberTotalRows
: the total number of rows to be loadedStatus
: "Success" means data has been loaded successfully.
Query data
Execute the following SQL in the MySQL client to query the loaded data:
mysql> select * from mytable;
| k1 | k2 | k3 | k4 |
| 1 | 0.14 | a1 | 20 |
| 2 | 1.04 | b2 | 21 |
| 3 | 3.14 | c3 | 22 |
| 4 | 4.35 | d4 | 23 |
4 rows in set (0.01 sec)
Stop Apache Doris
Stop FE
Execute the following command under apache-doris/fe to stop FE.
server1:apache-doris/fe doris$ ./bin/stop_fe.sh
Stop BE
Execute the following command under apache-doris/be to stop BE.
server1:apache-doris/be doris$ ./bin/stop_be.sh