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The PERCENTILE_APPROX_WEIGHTED function calculates weighted approximate percentiles, primarily used in scenarios where value importance needs to be considered. It is a weighted version of PERCENTILE_APPROX, allowing a weight to be specified for each value.

Key features:

  1. Weight Support: Each value can be assigned a corresponding weight, affecting the final percentile calculation
  2. Memory Efficiency: Uses fixed-size memory, suitable for processing large-scale data
  3. Adjustable Precision: Balance between precision and performance through the compression parameter


PERCENTILE_APPROX_WEIGHTED(<col>, <weight>, <p> [, <compression>])


<col>The column to calculate the percentile for
<weight>Weight column, must be positive numbers
<p>Percentile value, range [0.0, 1.0], e.g., 0.99 represents the 99th percentile
<compression>Optional parameter, compression ratio, range [2048, 10000]. The higher the value, the higher the precision, but the greater the memory consumption. If not specified or outside the range, use 10000.

Return Value

Return a DOUBLE type value, representing the calculated weighted approximate percentile.


-- Create sample table
CREATE TABLE weighted_scores (
student_id INT,
score DECIMAL(10, 2),
weight INT
) DUPLICATE KEY(student_id)
"replication_allocation" = "tag.location.default: 1"

-- Insert example data
INSERT INTO weighted_scores VALUES
(1, 85.5, 1), -- Normal homework score, weight 1
(2, 90.0, 2), -- Important homework score, weight 2
(3, 75.5, 1),
(4, 95.5, 3), -- Very important homework, weight 3
(5, 88.0, 2),
(6, 92.5, 2),
(7, 78.0, 1),
(8, 89.5, 2),
(9, 94.0, 3),
(10, 83.5, 1);

-- Calculate weighted scores distribution
-- Calculate 90th percentile for different compression ratios
percentile_approx_weighted(score, weight, 0.9) as p90_default, -- Default compression ratio
percentile_approx_weighted(score, weight, 0.9, 2048) as p90_fast, -- Lower compression ratio, faster
percentile_approx_weighted(score, weight, 0.9, 10000) as p90_accurate -- Higher compression ratio, more accurate
FROM weighted_scores;
| p90_default | p90_fast | p90_accurate |
| 95.3499984741211 | 95.3499984741211 | 95.3499984741211 |