This statement is used to export query results to a file using the SELECT INTO OUTFILE
command. Currently, it supports exporting to remote storage, such as HDFS, S3, BOS, COS (Tencent Cloud), through the Broker process, S3 protocol, or HDFS protocol.
INTO OUTFILE "file_path"
file_path points to the path where the file is stored and the file prefix. Such as
.The final filename will consist of `my_file_`, the file number and the file format suffix. The file serial number starts from 0, and the number is the number of files to be divided. Such as:
my_file_abcdegf_2.csvYou can also omit the file prefix and specify only the file directory, such as:
Specifies the export format. Supported formats include CSV, PARQUET, CSV_WITH_NAMES, CSV_WITH_NAMES_AND_TYPES and ORC. Default is CSV.
Note: PARQUET, CSV_WITH_NAMES, CSV_WITH_NAMES_AND_TYPES, and ORC are supported starting in version 1.2 .
Specify related properties. Currently exporting via the Broker process, S3 protocol, or HDFS protocol is supported.
[PROPERTIES ("key"="value", ...)]
The following properties are supported:
File related properties
column_separator: column separator,is only for CSV format. mulit-bytes is supported starting in version 1.2, such as: "\\x01", "abc".
line_delimiter: line delimiter,is only for CSV format. mulit-bytes supported starting in version 1.2, such as: "\\x01", "abc".
max_file_size: the size limit of a single file, if the result exceeds this value, it will be cut into multiple files, the value range of max_file_size is [5MB, 2GB] and the default is 1GB. (When specified that the file format is ORC, the size of the actual division file will be a multiples of 64MB, such as: specify max_file_size = 5MB, and actually use 64MB as the division; specify max_file_size = 65MB, and will actually use 128MB as cut division points.)
delete_existing_files: default `false`. If it is specified as true, you will first delete all files specified in the directory specified by the file_path, and then export the data to the directory.For example: "file_path" = "/user/tmp", then delete all files and directory under "/user/"; "file_path" = "/user/tmp/", then delete all files and directory under "/user/tmp/"
file_suffix: Specify the suffix of the export file. If this parameter is not specified, the default suffix for the file format will be used.
Broker related properties need to be prefixed with `broker.`:
broker.name: broker name
broker.hadoop.security.authentication: specify the authentication method as kerberos
broker.kerberos_principal: specifies the principal of kerberos
broker.kerberos_keytab: specifies the path to the keytab file of kerberos. The file must be the absolute path to the file on the server where the broker process is located. and can be accessed by the Broker process
HDFS related properties:
fs.defaultFS: namenode address and port
hadoop.username: hdfs username
dfs.nameservices: if hadoop enable HA, please set fs nameservice. See hdfs-site.xml
dfs.ha.namenodes.[nameservice ID]:unique identifiers for each NameNode in the nameservice. See hdfs-site.xml
dfs.namenode.rpc-address.[nameservice ID].[name node ID]: the fully-qualified RPC address for each NameNode to listen on. See hdfs-site.xml
dfs.client.failover.proxy.provider.[nameservice ID]:the Java class that HDFS clients use to contact the Active NameNode, usually it is org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.ha.ConfiguredFailoverProxyProvider
For a kerberos-authentication enabled Hadoop cluster, additional properties need to be set:
dfs.namenode.kerberos.principal: HDFS namenode service principal
hadoop.security.authentication: kerberos
hadoop.kerberos.principal: the Kerberos pincipal that Doris will use when connectiong to HDFS.
hadoop.kerberos.keytab: HDFS client keytab location.
For the S3 protocol, you can directly execute the S3 protocol configuration:
use_path_style: (optional) default false . The S3 SDK uses the virtual-hosted style by default. However, some object storage systems may not be enabled or support virtual-hosted style access. At this time, we can add the use_path_style parameter to force the use of path style access method.Note that to use the
parameter, you also need to add the configurationenable_delete_existing_files = true
to the fe.conf file and restart the FE. Only then will thedelete_existing_files
parameter take effect. Settingdelete_existing_files = true
is a dangerous operation and it is recommended to only use it in a testing environment. -
Data Types for Export
All file formats support the export of basic data types, while only csv/orc/csv_with_names/csv_with_names_and_types currently support the export of complex data types (ARRAY/MAP/STRUCT). Nested complex data types are not supported.
Concurrent Export
Setting the session variable
set enable_parallel_outfile = true;
enables concurrent export using outfile. For detailed usage, see Export Query Result. -
Export to Local
To export to a local file, you need configure
in fe.conf.select * from tbl1 limit 10
INTO OUTFILE "file:///home/work/path/result_";
Explanation of the returned results:
- FileNumber: The number of generated files.
- TotalRows: The number of rows in the result set.
- FileSize: The total size of the exported files in bytes.
- URL: The prefix of the exported file paths. Multiple files will be numbered sequentially with suffixes
, etc.
DataType Mapping
Parquet and ORC file formats have their own data types. The export function of Doris can automatically export the Doris data types to the corresponding data types of the Parquet/ORC file format. The following are the data type mapping relationship of the Doris data types and the Parquet/ORC file format data types:
The mapping relationship between the Doris data types to the ORC data types is:
Doris Type Orc Type boolean boolean tinyint tinyint smallint smallint int int bigint bigint largeInt string date string datev2 string datetime string datetimev2 timestamp float float double double char / varchar / string string decimal decimal struct struct map map array array -
When Doris exports data to the Parquet file format, the Doris memory data will be converted to Arrow memory data format first, and then the paraquet file format is written by Arrow. The mapping relationship between the Doris data types to the ARROW data types is:
Doris Type Arrow Type boolean boolean tinyint int8 smallint int16 int int32 bigint int64 largeInt utf8 date utf8 datev2 utf8 datetime utf8 datetimev2 utf8 float float32 double float64 char / varchar / string utf8 decimal decimal128 struct struct map map array list
Use the broker method to export, and export the simple query results to the file
. Specifies that the export format is CSV. Usemy_broker
and set kerberos authentication information. Specify the column separator as,
and the row separator as\n
INTO OUTFILE "hdfs://path/to/result_"
"broker.name" = "my_broker",
"broker.hadoop.security.authentication" = "kerberos",
"broker.kerberos_principal" = "doris@YOUR.COM",
"broker.kerberos_keytab" = "/home/doris/my.keytab",
"column_separator" = ",",
"line_delimiter" = "\n",
"max_file_size" = "100MB"
);If the final generated file is not larger than 100MB, it will be:
. If larger than 100MB, it may beresult_0.csv, result_1.csv, ...
. -
Export the simple query results to the file
. Specify the export format as PARQUET. Usemy_broker
and set kerberos authentication information.SELECT c1, c2, c3 FROM tbl
INTO OUTFILE "hdfs://path/to/result_"
"broker.name" = "my_broker",
"broker.hadoop.security.authentication" = "kerberos",
"broker.kerberos_principal" = "doris@YOUR.COM",
"broker.kerberos_keytab" = "/home/doris/my.keytab"
); -
Export the query result of the CTE statement to the file
. The default export format is CSV. Usemy_broker
and set hdfs high availability information. Use the default row and column separators.WITH
x1 AS
(SELECT k1, k2 FROM tbl1),
x2 AS
(SELECT k3 FROM tbl2)
INTO OUTFILE "hdfs://path/to/result_"
"broker.name" = "my_broker",
"broker.dfs.nameservices" = "my_ha",
"broker.dfs.ha.namenodes.my_ha" = "my_namenode1, my_namenode2",
"broker.dfs.namenode.rpc-address.my_ha.my_namenode1" = "nn1_host:rpc_port",
"broker.dfs.namenode.rpc-address.my_ha.my_namenode2" = "nn2_host:rpc_port",
"broker.dfs.client.failover.proxy.provider.my_ha" = "org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.ha.ConfiguredFailoverProxyProvider"
);If the final generated file is not larger than 1GB, it will be:
. If larger than 1GB, it may beresult_0.csv, result_1.csv, ...
. -
Export the query result of the UNION statement to the file
. Specify the export format as PARQUET. Usemy_broker
and set hdfs high availability information. The PARQUET format does not require a column delimiter to be specified. After the export is complete, an identity file is generated.SELECT k1 FROM tbl1 UNION SELECT k2 FROM tbl1
INTO OUTFILE "bos://bucket/result_"
"broker.name" = "my_broker",
"broker.bos_endpoint" = "http://bj.bcebos.com",
"broker.bos_accesskey" = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"broker.bos_secret_accesskey" = "yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"
); -
Export the query result of the select statement to the file
. Specify the export format as csv. After the export is complete, an identity file is generated.select k1,k2,v1 from tbl1 limit 100000
into outfile "s3a://my_bucket/export/my_file_"
"broker.name" = "hdfs_broker",
"broker.fs.s3a.access.key" = "xxx",
"broker.fs.s3a.secret.key" = "xxxx",
"broker.fs.s3a.endpoint" = "https://cos.xxxxxx.myqcloud.com/",
"column_separator" = ",",
"line_delimiter" = "\n",
"max_file_size" = "1024MB",
"success_file_name" = "SUCCESS"
)If the final generated file is not larger than 1GB, it will be:
. If larger than 1GB, it may bemy_file_0.csv, result_1.csv, ...
. Verify on cos1. A path that does not exist will be automatically created
2. Access.key/secret.key/endpoint needs to be confirmed with students of cos. Especially the value of endpoint does not need to fill in bucket_name. -
Use the s3 protocol to export to bos, and enable concurrent export.
set enable_parallel_outfile = true;
select k1 from tb1 limit 1000
into outfile "s3://my_bucket/export/my_file_"
format as csv
"s3.endpoint" = "http://s3.bd.bcebos.com",
"s3.access_key" = "xxxx",
"s3.secret_key" = "xxx",
"s3.region" = "bd"
)The resulting file is prefixed with
. -
Use the s3 protocol to export to bos, and enable concurrent export of session variables. Note: However, since the query statement has a top-level sorting node, even if the concurrently exported session variable is enabled for this query, it cannot be exported concurrently.
set enable_parallel_outfile = true;
select k1 from tb1 order by k1 limit 1000
into outfile "s3://my_bucket/export/my_file_"
format as csv
"s3.endpoint" = "http://s3.bd.bcebos.com",
"s3.access_key" = "xxxx",
"s3.secret_key" = "xxx",
"s3.region" = "bd"
) -
Use hdfs export to export simple query results to the file
. Specify the export format as CSV and the user name as work. Specify the column separator as,
and the row separator as\n
.-- the default port of fileSystem_port is 9000
INTO OUTFILE "hdfs://${host}:${fileSystem_port}/path/to/result_"
"fs.defaultFS" = "hdfs://ip:port",
"hadoop.username" = "work"
);If the Hadoop cluster is highly available and Kerberos authentication is enabled, you can refer to the following SQL statement:
INTO OUTFILE "hdfs://path/to/result_"
If the final generated file is not larger than 100MB, it will be: `result_0.csv`.
If larger than 100MB, it may be `result_0.csv, result_1.csv, ...`. -
Export the query result of the select statement to the file
on Tencent Cloud Object Storage (COS). Specify the export format as csv. After the export is complete, an identity file is generated.select k1,k2,v1 from tbl1 limit 100000
into outfile "cosn://my_bucket/export/my_file_"
"broker.name" = "broker_name",
"broker.fs.cosn.userinfo.secretId" = "xxx",
"broker.fs.cosn.userinfo.secretKey" = "xxxx",
"broker.fs.cosn.bucket.endpoint_suffix" = "cos.xxxxxx.myqcloud.com",
"column_separator" = ",",
"line_delimiter" = "\n",
"max_file_size" = "1024MB",
"success_file_name" = "SUCCESS"
Best Practice
Export data volume and export efficiency
This function essentially executes an SQL query command. The final result is a single-threaded output. Therefore, the time-consuming of the entire export includes the time-consuming of the query itself and the time-consuming of writing the final result set. If the query is large, you need to set the session variable
to appropriately extend the query timeout. -
Management of export files
Doris does not manage exported files. Including the successful export, or the remaining files after the export fails, all need to be handled by the user.
Export to local file
The ability to export to a local file is not available for public cloud users, only for private deployments. And the default user has full control over the cluster nodes. Doris will not check the validity of the export path filled in by the user. If the process user of Doris does not have write permission to the path, or the path does not exist, an error will be reported. At the same time, for security reasons, if a file with the same name already exists in this path, the export will also fail.
Doris does not manage files exported locally, nor does it check disk space, etc. These files need to be managed by the user, such as cleaning and so on.
Results Integrity Guarantee
This command is a synchronous command, so it is possible that the task connection is disconnected during the execution process, so that it is impossible to live the exported data whether it ends normally, or whether it is complete. At this point, you can use the
parameter to request that a successful file identifier be generated in the directory after the task is successful. Users can use this file to determine whether the export ends normally. -
Other Points to Note