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In the compute-storage coupled mode, this statement is used to diagnose a specified tablet. The result will display information about the tablet and some potential issues.

This command is not supported in the compute-storage coupled mode.



Required Parameters


The ID of the tablet to be diagnosed

Return Value (Return Value)

Returns information about the tablet

  • TabletExist

    Whether the tablet exists

  • TabletId

    Tablet ID

  • Database

    The DB and its ID that the tablet belongs to

  • Table

    The Table and its ID that the tablet belongs to

  • Partition

    The Partition and its ID that the tablet belongs to

  • MaterializedIndex

    The materialized view and its ID that the tablet belongs to

  • Replicas

    The replicas of the tablet and their corresponding BEs

  • ReplicasNum

    Whether the number of replicas is correct

  • ReplicaBackendStatus

    Whether the BE nodes where the replicas are located are normal

  • ReplicaVersionStatus

    Whether the version numbers of the replicas are normal

  • ReplicaStatus

    Whether the status of the replicas is normal

  • ReplicaCompactionStatus

    Whether the compaction status of the replicas is normal


  1. Diagnose the information of the tablet with the specified tablet id 10078
show tablet diagnosis 10078;
| Item | Info | Suggestion |
| TabletExist | Yes | |
| TabletId | 10078 | |
| Database | __internal_schema: 10005 | |
| Table | audit_log: 10058 | |
| Partition | p20241109: 10075 | |
| MaterializedIndex | audit_log: 10059 | |
| Replicas(ReplicaId -> BackendId) | {"10099":10003,"10116":10002,"10079":10004} | |
| ReplicasNum | OK | |
| ReplicaBackendStatus | OK | |
| ReplicaVersionStatus | OK | |
| ReplicaStatus | OK | |
| ReplicaCompactionStatus | OK | |

Access Control Requirements (Access Control Requirements)

The prerequisite for successfully executing this SQL command is to have ADMIN_PRIV privileges. Please refer to the privilege documentation.

Privilege (Privilege)Object (Object)Notes (Notes)
ADMIN_PRIVEntire cluster management privilegesAll privileges except NODE_PRIV

Usage Note (Usage Note)

  1. This command is not supported in the storage-computing separation mode. Executing it in this mode will result in an error, for example:
show tablet diagnosis 15177;

The error message is as follows:

ERROR 1105 (HY000): errCode = 2, detailMessage = Unsupported operation