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For concepts related to backup, please refer to Backup and Restore. This guide provides the steps to create a Repository and back up data.

Step 1. Create Repository​

Use the appropriate statement to create a Repository based on your storage choice. For detailed usage, please refer to Create Repository. When backing up using the same path for the Repository across different clusters, ensure to use different labels to avoid conflicts that may cause data confusion.

Option 1: Create Repository on S3​

To create a Repository on S3 storage, use the following SQL command:

ON LOCATION "s3://bucket_name/s3_repo"
"s3.endpoint" = "",
"s3.region" = "us-east-1",
"s3.access_key" = "ak",
"s3.secret_key" = "sk"
  • Replace bucket_name with your S3 bucket name.
  • Provide the appropriate endpoint, access key, secret key, and region for S3 setup.

Option 2: Create Repository on Azure​

Not supported in Doris 2.1.

Option 3: Create Repository on GCP​

To create a Repository on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) storage, use the following SQL command:

ON LOCATION "s3://bucket_name/backup/gcp_repo"
"s3.endpoint" = "",
"s3.region" = "US-WEST2",
"s3.access_key" = "ak",
"s3.secret_key" = "sk"
  • Replace bucket_name with your GCP bucket name.
  • Provide your GCP endpoint, access key, and secret key.
  • s3.region is a dummy but required field.

Option 4: Create Repository on OSS (Alibaba Cloud Object Storage Service)​

To create a Repository on OSS, use the following SQL command:

ON LOCATION "s3://bucket_name/oss_repo"
"s3.endpoint" = "",
"s3.region" = "cn-hangzhou",
"s3.access_key" = "ak",
"s3.secret_key" = "sk"
  • Replace bucket_name with your OSS bucket name.
  • Provide your OSS endpoint, region, access key, and secret key.

Option 5: Create Repository on MinIO​

To create a Repository on MinIO storage, use the following SQL command:

ON LOCATION "s3://bucket_name/minio_repo"
"s3.endpoint" = "",
"s3.region" = "dummy-region",
"s3.access_key" = "ak",
"s3.secret_key" = "sk",
"use_path_style" = "true"
  • Replace bucket_name with your MinIO bucket name.
  • Provide your MinIO endpoint, access key, and secret key.
  • s3.region is a dummy but required field.
  • If you do not enable Virtual Host-style, then use_path_style must be true.

Option 6: Create Repository on HDFS​

To create a Repository on HDFS storage, use the following SQL command:

WITH hdfs
ON LOCATION "/prefix_path/hdfs_repo"
"fs.defaultFS" = "hdfs://",
"hadoop.username" = "doris-test"
  • Replace prefix_path with the actual path.
  • Provide your HDFS endpoint and username.

Step 2. Backup​

Refer to the following statements to back up databases, tables, or partitions. For detailed usage, please refer to Backup.

It is recommended to use meaningful label names, such as those containing the databases and tables included in the backup.

Option 1: Backup Current Database​

The following SQL statement backs up the current database to a Repository named example_repo, using the snapshot label exampledb_20241225.

BACKUP SNAPSHOT exampledb_20241225
TO example_repo;

Option 2: Backup Specified Database​

The following SQL statement backs up a database named destdb to a Repository named example_repo, using the snapshot label destdb_20241225.

BACKUP SNAPSHOT destdb.`destdb_20241225`
TO example_repo;

Option 3: Backup Specified Tables​

The following SQL statement backs up two tables to a Repository named example_repo, using the snapshot label exampledb_tbl_tbl1_20241225.

BACKUP SNAPSHOT exampledb_tbl_tbl1_20241225
TO example_repo
ON (example_tbl, example_tbl1);

Option 4: Backup Specified Partitions​

The following SQL statement backs up a table named example_tbl2 and two partitions named p1 and p2 to a Repository named example_repo, using the snapshot label example_tbl_p1_p2_tbl1_20241225.

BACKUP SNAPSHOT example_tbl_p1_p2_tbl1_20241225
TO example_repo
example_tbl PARTITION (p1,p2),

Option 5: Backup Current Database Excluding Certain Tables​

The following SQL statement backs up the current database to a Repository named example_repo, using the snapshot label exampledb_20241225, excluding two tables named example_tbl and example_tbl1.

BACKUP SNAPSHOT exampledb_20241225
TO example_repo

Step 3. View Recent Backup Job Execution Status​

The following SQL statement can be used to view the execution status of recent backup jobs.

mysql> show BACKUP\G;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
JobId: 17891847
SnapshotName: exampledb_20241225
DbName: example_db
BackupObjs: [example_db.example_tbl]
CreateTime: 2022-04-08 15:52:29
SnapshotFinishedTime: 2022-04-08 15:52:32
UploadFinishedTime: 2022-04-08 15:52:38
FinishedTime: 2022-04-08 15:52:44
Status: [OK]
Timeout: 86400
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

Step 4. View Existing Backups in Repository​

The following SQL statement can be used to view existing backups in a Repository named example_repo, where the Snapshot column is the snapshot label, and the Timestamp is the timestamp.

mysql> SHOW SNAPSHOT ON example_repo;
| Snapshot | Timestamp | Status |
| exampledb_20241225 | 2022-04-08-15-52-29 | OK |
1 row in set (0.15 sec)

Step 5. Cancel Backup (if necessary)​

You can use CANCEL BACKUP FROM db_name; to cancel a backup task in a database. For more specific usage, refer to Cancel Backup.