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Built-in Authentication

Key Concepts


In Doris, a user_identity uniquely identifies a user. user_identity consists of two parts: user_name and host, where user_name is the username. host identifies the host address from which the user connects. The host part can use % for fuzzy matching. If host is not specified, it defaults to %, meaning the user can connect to Doris from any host.

User Attributes

User attributes are directly attached to user_name, not user_identity, meaning user@'192.%' and user@['domain'] share the same set of user attributes. These attributes belong to the user, not user@'192.%' or user@['domain'].

User attributes include, but are not limited to: maximum number of user connections, import cluster configuration, etc.

Built-in Users

Built-in users are users created by default in Doris and have certain permissions by default, including root and admin. Initial passwords are empty and can be changed after the frontend starts using password modification commands. Default users cannot be deleted.

  • root@'%': Root user, allowed to log in from any node, role is operator.
  • admin@'%': Admin user, allowed to log in from any node, role is admin.


Credentials for user login, set by the administrator when creating the user, can also be changed by the user after creation.

Password Policy

Doris supports the following password policies to help users manage passwords better.

  • PASSWORD_HISTORY Whether the current user is allowed to use historical passwords when resetting their password. For example, PASSWORD_HISTORY 10 means that the past 10 passwords cannot be reused as the new password. If set to PASSWORD_HISTORY DEFAULT, the value of the global variable password_history will be used. 0 means this feature is not enabled. The default is 0. Example:
    • Set global variable: SET GLOBAL password_history = 10
    • Set for user: ALTER USER user1@'ip' PASSWORD_HISTORY 10
  • PASSWORD_EXPIRE Set the password expiration time for the current user. For example, PASSWORD_EXPIRE INTERVAL 10 DAY means the password will expire in 10 days. PASSWORD_EXPIRE NEVER means the password will never expire. If set to PASSWORD_EXPIRE DEFAULT, the value of the global variable default_password_lifetime will be used (in days). The default is NEVER (or 0), meaning the password will not expire. Example:
    • Set global variable: SET GLOBAL default_password_lifetime = 1
    • Set for user: ALTER USER user1@'ip' PASSWORD_EXPIRE INTERVAL 10 DAY
  • FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS and PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME Set the number of incorrect password attempts before the account is locked and the lock time. For example, FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS 3 PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME 1 DAY means the account will be locked for one day after 3 incorrect login attempts. Administrators can unlock locked accounts using the ALTER USER statement. Example:
  • Password Strength Controlled by the global variable validate_password_policy. The default is NONE/0, meaning no password strength check. If set to STRONG/2, the password must contain at least 3 of the following: "uppercase letters", "lowercase letters", "numbers", and "special characters", and the length must be at least 8. Example:
    • SET validate_password_policy=STRONG

Authentication Mechanism

  1. Client Authentication Information Sending: The client packages user information (such as username, password, database, etc.) and sends it to the Doris server. This information is used to prove the client's identity and request access to the database.
  2. Server Authentication: After receiving the client's authentication information, Doris verifies it. If the username, password, and client IP are correct, and the user has permission to access the selected database, authentication is successful, and Doris maps the user entity to the system's user identity. Otherwise, authentication fails, and an error message is returned to the client.

Whitelist and Blacklist

Doris itself does not support a blacklist, only a whitelist function, but we can simulate a blacklist in some ways. Suppose a user named user@'192.%' is created, allowing users from 192.* to log in. If you want to prohibit users from from logging in, you can create another user cmy@'' and set a new password. Since has a higher priority than 192.%, users from will no longer be able to log in using the old password.

Other Explanations

  1. User Identity Priority Selection Issue During Login

    As introduced above, user_identity consists of user_name and host, but when logging in, the user only needs to enter user_name, so Doris determines based on the client's IP which user_identity to use for login.

    If only one user_identity can be matched based on the client's IP, it will be used for login without any issues. However, if multiple user_identity can be matched, there will be a priority issue.

    1. Priority between domain name and IP: Suppose the following users are created:

           CREATE USER user1@['domain1'] IDENTIFIED BY "12345";
      CREATE USER user1@'ip1'IDENTIFIED BY "abcde";

      domain1 is resolved to two IPs: ip1 and ip2.

      In terms of priority, IP takes precedence over domain name. Therefore, when user user1 attempts to log in to Doris from ip1 using password '12345', the login will be rejected.

    2. Priority between specific IP and range IP: Suppose the following users are created:

           CREATE USER user1@'%' IDENTIFIED BY "12345";
      CREATE USER user1@'192.%' IDENTIFIED BY "abcde";

      In terms of priority, '192.%' takes precedence over '%'. Therefore, when user user1 attempts to log in to Doris from using password '12345', the login will be rejected.

  2. Forgotten Password

    If you forget your password and cannot log in to Doris, you can add the skip_localhost_auth_check=true parameter to the FE's configuration file and restart the FE. This will allow you to log in to Doris from the FE machine without a password using the root user.

    After logging in, you can use the SET PASSWORD command to reset your password.

  3. Any user cannot reset the password of the root user, except for the root user itself.

  4. current_user() and user()

    Users can use SELECT current_user() and SELECT user() to view current_user and user, respectively. current_user indicates the identity used by the current user to pass the authentication system, while user is the actual User Identity of the current user.

    For example:

    Suppose user1@'192.%' is created, and then a user named user1 logs in to the system from At this time, current_user is user1@'192.%', and user is user1@''.

    All permissions are granted to a specific current_user, and the actual user has all the permissions of the corresponding current_user.