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Table Information

Column NameTypeDescription
TABLE_CATALOGvarchar(512)Catalog name
TABLE_SCHEMAvarchar(64)Database name
TABLE_NAMEvarchar(64)Table name
COLUMN_NAMEvarchar(64)Column name
ORDINAL_POSITIONbigintThe position of the column in the table
COLUMN_DEFAULTvarchar(1024)Default value of the column
IS_NULLABLEvarchar(3)Whether NULL is allowed
DATA_TYPEvarchar(64)Data type
CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTHbigintMaximum number of characters allowed for character types
CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTHbigintMaximum number of bytes allowed for character types
NUMERIC_PRECISIONbigintPrecision for numeric types
NUMERIC_SCALEbigintScale for numeric types
DATETIME_PRECISIONbigintPrecision for datetime types
CHARACTER_SET_NAMEvarchar(32)Character set name for character types, always NULL
COLLATION_NAMEvarchar(32)Collation algorithm name for character types, always NULL
COLUMN_TYPEvarchar(32)Column type
COLUMN_KEYvarchar(3)If 'UNI', it indicates that the column is a Unique Key column
EXTRAvarchar(27)Additional information about the column, including whether it is an auto-increment column, a generated column, etc.
PRIVILEGESvarchar(80)Always empty
COLUMN_COMMENTvarchar(255)Comment information for the column
COLUMN_SIZEbigintWidth of the column
DECIMAL_DIGITSbigintNumber of decimal places for numeric types
SRS_IDbigintAlways NULL