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Doris Compute-Storage Decoupled Deployment Preparation

1. Overview​

This document describes the deployment preparation work for the Apache Doris compute-storage decoupled mode. The decoupled architecture aims to improve system scalability and performance, suitable for large-scale data processing scenarios.

2. Architecture Components​

The Doris compute-storage decoupled architecture consists of three main modules:

  1. Frontend (FE): Handles user requests and manages metadata.
  2. Backend (BE): Stateless compute nodes that execute query tasks.
  3. Meta Service (MS): Manages metadata operations and data recovery.

3. System Requirements​

3.1 Hardware Requirements​

  • Minimum configuration: 3 servers
  • Recommended configuration: 5 or more servers

3.2 Software Dependencies​

  • FoundationDB (FDB) version 7.1.38 or higher
  • OpenJDK 17

4. Deployment Planning​

4.1 Testing Environment Deployment​

Deploy all modules on a single machine, not suitable for production environments.

4.2 Production Deployment​

  • Deploy FDB on 3 or more machines
  • Deploy FE and Meta Service on 3 or more machines
  • Deploy BE on 3 or more machines

When machine configurations are high, consider mixing FDB, FE, and Meta Service, but do not mix disks.

5. Installation Steps​

5.1 Install FoundationDB​

This section provides a step-by-step guide to configure, deploy, and start the FoundationDB (FDB) service using the provided scripts and You can download doris tools and get and from fdb directory.

5.1.1 Machine Requirements​

Typically, at least 3 machines equipped with SSDs are required to form a FoundationDB cluster with dual data replicas and allow for single machine failures.


If only for development/testing purposes, a single machine is sufficient.

5.1.2 Configuration​

Required Custom Settings​
DATA_DIRSSpecify the data directory for FoundationDB storageComma-separated list of absolute paths/mnt/foundationdb/data1,/mnt/foundationdb/data2,/mnt/foundationdb/data3- Ensure directories are created before running the script
- SSD and separate directories are recommended for production environments
FDB_CLUSTER_IPSDefine cluster IPsString (comma-separated IP addresses),, At least 3 IP addresses for production clusters
- The first IP will be used as the coordinator
- For high availability, place machines in different racks
FDB_HOMEDefine the main directory for FoundationDBAbsolute path/fdbhome- Default path is /fdbhome
- Ensure this path is absolute
FDB_CLUSTER_IDDefine the cluster IDStringSAQESzbh- Each cluster ID must be unique
- Can be generated using mktemp -u XXXXXXXX
FDB_CLUSTER_DESCDefine the description of the FDB clusterStringdorisfdb- It is recommended to change this to something meaningful for the deployment
Optional Custom Settings​
MEMORY_LIMIT_GBDefine the memory limit for FDB processes in GBIntegerMEMORY_LIMIT_GB=16Adjust this value based on available memory resources and FDB process requirements
CPU_CORES_LIMITDefine the CPU core limit for FDB processesIntegerCPU_CORES_LIMIT=8Set this value based on the number of available CPU cores and FDB process requirements

5.1.3 Deploy FDB Cluster​

After configuring the environment with, you can deploy the FDB cluster on each node using the script.

./ deploy

This command initiates the deployment process of the FDB cluster.

5.1.4 Start FDB Service​

Once the FDB cluster is deployed, you can start the FDB service using the script.

./ start

This command starts the FDB service, making the cluster operational and obtaining the FDB cluster connection string, which can be used for configuring the MetaService.

5.2 Install OpenJDK 17​

  1. Download OpenJDK 17
  2. Extract and set the environment variable JAVA_HOME.

5.3 Install S3 or HDFS (Optional)​

The Apache Doris (cloud mode) stores data on S3 or HDFS services. If you already have the relevant services, you can use them directly. If not, this document provides a simple deployment tutorial for MinIO:

  1. Choose the appropriate version and operating system on 在 MinIO MinIO's download page and download the corresponding binary or installation packages for the server and client.
  2. start MinIO Server
    export MINIO_REGION_NAME=us-east-1
    export MINIO_ROOT_USER=minio # In older versions, the configuration is MINIO_ACCESS_KEY=minio
    export MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD=minioadmin # In older versions, the configuration is MINIO_SECRET_KEY=minioadmin
    nohup ./minio server /mnt/data 2>&1 &
  3. config MinIO Client
    # If you are using a client installed with an installation package, the client name is mcli. If you directly download the client binary package, its name is mc
    ./mc config host add myminio minio minioadmin
  4. create a bucket
    ./mc mb myminio/doris
  5. verify if it is working properly
    # upload a file
    ./mc mv test_file myminio/doris
    # list files
    ./mc ls myminio/doris

6. Next Steps​

After completing the above preparations, please refer to the following documents to continue the deployment:

  1. Deployment
  2. Managing Compute Group
  3. Managing Storage Vault

7. Notes​

  • Ensure time synchronization across all nodes
  • Regularly back up FoundationDB data
  • Adjust FoundationDB and Doris configuration parameters based on actual load

8. References​