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Hive Metastore

This document is used to introduce the parameters supported when connecting and accessing the Hive Metastore through the CREATE CATALOG statement.

Parameter Overview

Property NameAliasDescriptionDefaultRequired
hive.metastore.urisThe URI address of the Hive Metastore. Multiple URIs can be specified, separated by commas. The first URI is used by default, and if the first URI is unavailable, others will be tried. For example: thrift:// or thrift://,thrift://
hive.conf.resourcesThe location of the hive-site.xml file, used to load the parameters needed to connect to HMS from the hive-site.xml file. If the hive-site.xml file contains complete connection parameter information, only this parameter needs to be filled in. The configuration file must be placed in the FE deployment directory, with the default directory being /plugins/hadoop_conf/ under the deployment directory (the default path can be changed by modifying hadoop_config_dir in fe.conf), and the file location needs to be a relative path, such as hms-1/hive-site.xml. All FE nodes must contain this file.EmptyNo
hive.metastore.authentication.typeThe authentication method for the Hive Metastore. Supports simple and kerberos. In versions 2.1 and earlier, the authentication method is determined by the property. Starting from version 3.0, the authentication method for the Hive Metastore can be specified separately.simpleNo
hive.metastore.service.principalWhen the authentication method is kerberos, used to specify the principal of the Hive Metastore server.EmptyNo
hive.metastore.client.principalWhen the authentication method is kerberos, used to specify the principal of the Hive Metastore client. In versions 2.1 and earlier, this parameter is determined by the hadoop.kerberos.principal property.EmptyNo
hive.metastore.client.keytabWhen the authentication method is kerberos, used to specify the keytab of the Hive Metastore client. The keytab file must be placed in the same directory on all FE nodes.EmptyNo

Authentication Parameters

In Hive Metastore, there are two authentication methods: simple and kerberos.


  • Description
    Specifies the authentication method for the Hive Metastore.

  • Optional Values

    • simple (default): No authentication is used.
    • kerberos: Enable Kerberos authentication
  • Version Differences

    • Versions 2.1 and earlier: Relies on the global parameter
    • Version 3.1+: Can be configured independently

Simply specify hive.metastore.authentication.type = simple. Not recommended for production environments

Complete Example

"hive.metastore.authentication.type" = "simple"


  • Description
    The Kerberos principal of the Hive Metastore service, used for Doris to verify the identity of the Metastore.

  • Placeholder Support
    _HOST will automatically be replaced with the actual hostname of the connected Metastore (suitable for multi-node Metastore clusters).

  • Example

    hive/_HOST@EXAMPLE.COM # Dynamically resolve the actual hostname


  • Description The Kerberos principal used when connecting to the Hive Metastore service. For example: doris/fe@EXAMPLE.COM or doris/_HOST@EXAMPLE.COM.

  • Placeholder Support
    _HOST will automatically be replaced with the actual hostname of the connected Metastore (suitable for multi-node Metastore clusters).

  • Example

    doris/_HOST@EXAMPLE.COM # Dynamically resolve the actual hostname


  • Description The path to the keytab file containing the key for the specified principal. The operating system user running all FEs must have permission to read this file.

  • Example

    "hive.metastore.client.keytab" = "conf/doris.keytab"

Complete Example

Enable Kerberos authentication

"hive.metastore.authentication.type" = "kerberos",
"hive.metastore.service.principal" = "hive/_HOST@EXAMPLE.COM",
"hive.metastore.client.principal" = "doris/_HOST@EXAMPLE.COM",
"hive.metastore.client.keytab" = "etc/doris/conf/doris.keytab"