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The function aligns the input datetime value upwards to the nearest second boundary based on the specified period and returns the aligned datetime value.


SECOND_FLOOR(<datetime>[, <period>][, <origin_datetime>])


<datetime>Required. The input datetime value. Supports the DATETIME type.
<period>Optional. Specifies the number of seconds in each period. Supports positive integers (INT). Defaults to 1 second.
<origin_datetime>Optional. The starting point for alignment. Supports the DATETIME type. Defaults to 0001-01-01T00:00:00 if not specified.

Return Value

  • Returns a datetime value representing the input datetime aligned upwards to the nearest specified second boundary.
  • If <datetime> is NULL, the function returns NULL.
  • If <datetime> is an invalid date (e.g., 0000-00-00T00:00:00), the function returns NULL.


Only specifying <datetime>

SELECT SECOND_FLOOR('2025-01-23 12:34:56');
| second_floor(cast('2025-01-23 12:34:56' as DATETIMEV2(0))) |
| 2025-01-23 12:34:56 |

Specifying <datetime> and <origin_datetime>

SELECT SECOND_FLOOR('2025-01-23 12:34:56', '2025-01-01 00:00:00');
| second_floor(cast('2025-01-23 12:34:56' as DATETIMEV2(0)), cast('2025-01-01 00:00:00' as DATETIMEV2(0))) |
| 2025-01-23 12:34:56 |

Specifying <datetime> and <period>

SELECT SECOND_FLOOR('2025-01-23 12:34:56', 5)
| second_floor(cast('2025-01-23 12:34:56' as DATETIMEV2(0)), 5) |
| 2025-01-23 12:34:55 |

Specifying <datetime><period> and <origin_datetime>

SELECT SECOND_FLOOR('2025-01-23 12:34:56', 10, '2025-01-23 12:00:00');
| second_floor(cast('2025-01-23 12:34:56' as DATETIMEV2(0)), 10, cast('2025-01-23 12:00:00' as DATETIMEV2(0))) |
| 2025-01-23 12:34:50 |