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Perform numerical truncation on x to the number of decimal places d


TRUNCATE(<x>, <d>)


<x>The value that needs to be numerically truncated
<d>The number of decimal places to retain

Return Value

Perform numerical truncation on x to the number of decimal places d. Truncation rules:

If d is a literal:

  • When d > 0: Keep d decimal places of x.
  • When d = 0: Remove the decimal part of x and retain only the integer part.
  • When d < 0: Remove the decimal part of x and replace the integer part with the number of digits specified by d, using the digit 0.

If d is a column, and the first argument is of type Decimal, then the resulting Decimal will have the same number of decimal places as the input Decimal


d is a litera

select truncate(124.3867, 2),truncate(124.3867, 0),truncate(124.3867, -2);
| truncate(124.3867, 2) | truncate(124.3867, 0) | truncate(124.3867, -2) |
| 124.38 | 124 | 100 |

d is a column

select cast("123.123456" as Decimal(9,6)), number, truncate(cast ("123.123456" as Decimal(9,6)), number) from numbers("number"="5");
| cast('123.123456' as DECIMALV3(9, 6)) | number | truncate(cast('123.123456' as DECIMALV3(9, 6)), cast(number as INT)) |
| 123.123456 | 0 | 123.000000 |
| 123.123456 | 1 | 123.100000 |
| 123.123456 | 2 | 123.120000 |
| 123.123456 | 3 | 123.123000 |
| 123.123456 | 4 | 123.123400 |