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The MASK_LAST_N function is mainly used to mask the last N bytes of data to protect sensitive information, and is commonly used in data anonymization scenarios. Its behavior is to replace a uppercase letter with X, a lowercase letter with x, and a number with n in the first N bytes.


MASK_LAST_N( <str> [, <n> ])


<str>String that need to be masked
<n>Optional Parameter, limit data masking to only the last N bytes, default to masking the entire string

Return Value

Returns a string after masking uppercase character, lowercase character and lnumeric character in last N bytes. Special cases:

  • If any Parameter is NULL, NULL will be returned.
  • Non-alphabetic and non-numeric characters will do not masking


select mask_last_n("1234-5678-8765-4321", 4);
| mask_last_n('1234-5678-8765-4321', 4) |
| 1234-5678-8765-nnnn |
select mask_last_n("1234-5678-8765-4321", null);
| mask_last_n('1234-5678-8765-4321', NULL) |
| NULL |