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Used to pad the specified character on the right side of the original string until met the specified length.


RPAD ( <str> , <len> , <pad>)


<str>The string to be padded.
<len>The total length of the final result string, which represents character length rather than the byte length.
<pad>The string used for padding.

Return Value

Returns the padded string. Special cases:

  • If any Parameter is NULL, NULL will be returned.
  • If <pad> is empty and <len> is greater than the length of <str>, the return value is an empty string.
  • If <len> is less than the length of <str>, the string obtained by truncating <str> to <len> is returned.
  • If <len> is less than 0, the return value is NULL.


SELECT rpad('hello', 1, '');
| rpad('hello', 1, '') |
| h |
SELECT rpad('hello', 10, 'world');
| rpad('hello', 10, 'world') |
| helloworld |
SELECT rpad('hello', 10, '');
| rpad('hello', 10, '') |
| |