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When there is no rhs parameter, this function removes the leading and trailing spaces from the str string. When the rhs parameter is provided, it removes any characters from both ends of the string that are found in the rhs character set (order does not matter).


TRIM_IN( <str> [ , <rhs>])

Required Parameters

<str>Delete spaces at both ends of the string

Optional Parameters

<rhs>Remove the specified character

Return Value

Delete spaces at both ends or the string after the specified character

Returns VARCHAR type, representing the processed string.

Special cases:

  • If str is NULL, returns NULL
  • If rhs is not specified, removes all leading and trailing spaces
  • If rhs is specified, removes all characters from both ends that appear in rhs until encountering the first character not in rhs


  1. Remove spaces from both ends:

SELECT trim_in(' ab d ') str;

| str |
| ab d|
SELECT trim_in('ababccaab','ab') str;

| str |
| cc |