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The table function generates a temporary partition TABLE, which allows you to view the PARTITION list of a certain TABLE.



Required Parameters​

<catalog>Specify the cluster catalog name to be queried.
<database>Specify the cluster database name to be queried.
<table>Specify the cluster table name to be queried.

Return Value​

PartitionIdPartition ID
PartitionNameName of the partition
VisibleVersionPartition version
VisibleVersionTimeTime when the partition version was committed
StateState of the partition
PartitionKeyPartition key
RangeRange of the partition
DistributionKeyDistribution key for partitioning
BucketsNumber of buckets in the partition
ReplicationNumNumber of replicas in the partition
StorageMediumStorage medium used for the partition
CooldownTimeCooldown time for the partition
RemoteStoragePolicyRemote storage policy for the partition
LastConsistencyCheckTimeTime of the last consistency check for the partition
DataSizeSize of the data in the partition
IsInMemoryWhether the partition is stored in memory
ReplicaAllocationReplication strategy for the partition
IsMutableWhether the partition is mutable
SyncWithBaseTablesWhether the partition is synchronized with the base table (for async materialized views)
UnsyncTablesWhich base table is unsynchronized (for async materialized view partitions)


View the partition list of example_table under test in the internal catalog

select * from partitions("catalog"="internal","database"="test","table"="example_table");
| PartitionId | PartitionName | VisibleVersion | VisibleVersionTime | State | PartitionKey | Range | DistributionKey | Buckets | ReplicationNum | StorageMedium | CooldownTime | RemoteStoragePolicy | LastConsistencyCheckTime | DataSize | IsInMemory | ReplicaAllocation | IsMutable | SyncWithBaseTables | UnsyncTables |
| 43209 | p1 | 1 | 2025-01-17 12:35:22 | NORMAL | created_at | [types: [DATEV2]; keys: [0000-01-01]; ..types: [DATEV2]; keys: [2023-01-01]; ) | id | 10 | 1 | HDD | 9999-12-31 23:59:59 | | \N | 0.000 | 0 | tag.location.default: 1 | 1 | 1 | \N |
| 43210 | p2 | 1 | 2025-01-17 12:35:22 | NORMAL | created_at | [types: [DATEV2]; keys: [2023-01-01]; ..types: [DATEV2]; keys: [2024-01-01]; ) | id | 10 | 1 | HDD | 9999-12-31 23:59:59 | | \N | 0.000 | 0 | tag.location.default: 1 | 1 | 1 | \N |
| 43211 | p3 | 1 | 2025-01-17 12:35:22 | NORMAL | created_at | [types: [DATEV2]; keys: [2024-01-01]; ..types: [DATEV2]; keys: [2025-01-01]; ) | id | 10 | 1 | HDD | 9999-12-31 23:59:59 | | \N | 0.000 | 0 | tag.location.default: 1 | 1 | 1 | \N |
| 43212 | p4 | 1 | 2025-01-17 12:35:22 | NORMAL | created_at | [types: [DATEV2]; keys: [2025-01-01]; ..types: [DATEV2]; keys: [2026-01-01]; ) | id | 10 | 1 | HDD | 9999-12-31 23:59:59 | | \N | 0.000 | 0 | tag.location.default: 1 | 1 | 1 | \N |

View the partition information with partition name p1 under example_table

select * from partitions("catalog"="internal","database"="test","table"="example_table") where PartitionName = "p1";
| PartitionId | PartitionName | VisibleVersion | VisibleVersionTime | State | PartitionKey | Range | DistributionKey | Buckets | ReplicationNum | StorageMedium | CooldownTime | RemoteStoragePolicy | LastConsistencyCheckTime | DataSize | IsInMemory | ReplicaAllocation | IsMutable | SyncWithBaseTables | UnsyncTables |
| 43209 | p1 | 1 | 2025-01-17 12:35:22 | NORMAL | created_at | [types: [DATEV2]; keys: [0000-01-01]; ..types: [DATEV2]; keys: [2023-01-01]; ) | id | 10 | 1 | HDD | 9999-12-31 23:59:59 | | \N | 0.000 | 0 | tag.location.default: 1 | 1 | 1 | \N |

View the partition ID with the partition name p1 under example_table

select PartitionId from partitions("catalog"="internal","database"="test","table"="example_table") where PartitionName = "p1";
| PartitionId |
| 43209 |