Common Table Expression
Common Table Expression (CTE) define a temporary result set that can be referenced multiple times within the scope of an SQL statement. CTE are primarily used in SELECT statements.
To specify a CTE, use the WITH
clause with one or more comma-separated clauses. Each clause provides a subquery that generates a result set and associates a name with the subquery.
Within the statement that contains the WITH
clause, you can reference each CTE name to access the corresponding CTE result set. CTE names can be referenced in other CTE, allowing you to define CTE based on other CTE.
Doris DO NOT support recursive CTE.
The following example defines CTE named cte1 and cte2 within the WITH clause and refers to them in the top-level SELECT below the WITH clause:
cte1 AS (SELECT a, b FROM table1),
cte2 AS (SELECT c, d FROM table2)
SELECT b, d FROM cte1 JOIN cte2
WHERE cte1.a = cte2.c;