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This function is used to extract a field's value from a JSON document and convert it to STRING type. It returns the field value at the specified path. If the value cannot be converted to a string, or if the field at the specified path does not exist, it returns NULL.


GET_JSON_STRING( <json_str>, <json_path>)

Required Parameters​

<json_str>The JSON string from which data needs to be extracted.
<json_path>JSON path that specifies the field's location. The path can use dot notation.

Return Value​

It returns the STRING value of the field at the specified path. If the specified path does not point to a valid field or the field value cannot be converted to a STRING type, it returns NULL.

Usage Notes​

Parses and retrieves the string content of the specified path in the JSON string. The <json_path> must start with the $ symbol, using . as the path delimiter. If the path contains a ., it should be enclosed in double quotes. Use [ ] to indicate array indices, starting from 0. The path should not contain ", [, and ]. If the <json_str> format is incorrect, or if the <json_path> format is invalid, or if no matching field is found, NULL is returned.

Additionally, it is recommended to use the jsonb type and jsonb_extract_XXX functions to achieve the same functionality.

Special case handling as follows:

  • If the field specified by <json_path> does not exist in the JSON, return NULL.
  • If the actual type of the field specified by <json_path> differs from the type expected by json_extract_t, if it can be losslessly converted to the expected type, it will return the specified type. Otherwise, it will return NULL.


  1. Get the value for key "k1"

SELECT get_json_string('{"k1":"v1", "k2":"v2"}', "$.k1");
| get_json_string('{"k1":"v1", "k2":"v2"}', '$.k1') |
| v1 |
  1. Get the second element of the array for key "my.key"
SELECT get_json_string('{"k1":"v1", "my.key":["e1", "e2", "e3"]}', '$."my.key"[1]');

| get_json_string('{"k1":"v1", "my.key":["e1", "e2", "e3"]}', '$."my.key"[1]') |
| e2 |

  1. Get the first element of the array in the secondary path k1.key -> k2
 SELECT get_json_string('{"k1.key":{"k2":["v1", "v2"]}}', '$."k1.key".k2[0]');

| get_json_string('{"k1.key":{"k2":["v1", "v2"]}}', '$."k1.key".k2[0]') |
| v1 |