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The table function generates the backends temporary table, and you can view the BE node information in the current doris cluster.



Access Control Requirements


Return Value

BackendIdThe unique identifier for each backend node.
HostThe IP address or hostname of the backend node.
HeartbeatPortThe port used for health checks (heartbeat).
BePortThe port used for communication between the backend node and the cluster for query execution.
HttpPortThe HTTP port of the backend node.
BrpcPortThe port used for BRPC communication.
ArrowFlightSqlPortThe Arrow Flight SQL port (used for integration with Apache Arrow for high-performance data transport).
LastStartTimeThe timestamp for the last start time of the backend node.
LastHeartbeatThe timestamp for the last heartbeat received from the backend node.
AliveWhether the backend node is alive (true/false).
SystemDecommissionedWhether the backend node has been decommissioned.
TabletNumThe number of tablets managed by the backend node.
DataUsedCapacityThe amount of disk space used by the backend node (in MB).
TrashUsedCapacityThe amount of disk space used by trash (in MB).
AvailCapacityThe available disk space on the backend node.
TotalCapacityThe total disk capacity of the backend node.
UsedPctThe percentage of disk capacity used by the backend node.
MaxDiskUsedPctThe maximum disk usage percentage across all tablets.
RemoteUsedCapacityThe disk space used by remote storage (if applicable).
TagTags associated with the backend node, typically used for categorization (e.g., location).
ErrMsgError messages reported by the backend node.
VersionThe version of the backend node.
StatusThe current status of the backend node, including success/failure reports for tablets, load times, and query statuses.
HeartbeatFailureCounterThe count of heartbeat failures, if any.
NodeRoleThe role of the backend node, such as mix, which means the node handles both storage and query processing.
CpuCoresThe number of CPU cores on the backend node.
MemoryThe amount of memory on the backend node.


show backends cluster information

select * from backends();
| BackendId | Host | HeartbeatPort | BePort | HttpPort | BrpcPort | ArrowFlightSqlPort | LastStartTime | LastHeartbeat | Alive | SystemDecommissioned | TabletNum | DataUsedCapacity | TrashUsedCapacity | AvailCapacity | TotalCapacity | UsedPct | MaxDiskUsedPct | RemoteUsedCapacity | Tag | ErrMsg | Version | Status | HeartbeatFailureCounter | NodeRole | CpuCores | Memory |
| 10020 | 10.xx.xx.90 | 9050 | 9060 | 8040 | 8060 | -1 | 2025-01-13 14:11:31 | 2025-01-16 13:24:55 | true | false | 359 | 295.328 MB | 0.000 | 231.236 GB | 3.437 TB | 93.43 % | 93.43 % | 0.000 | {"location" : "default"} | | doris-0.0.0--83f899b32b | {"lastSuccessReportTabletsTime":"2025-01-16 13:24:07","lastStreamLoadTime":1737004982210,"isQueryDisabled":false,"isLoadDisabled":false,"isActive":true,"currentFragmentNum":0,"lastFragmentUpdateTime":1737004982195} | 0 | mix | 96 | 375.81 GB |